Welcome to Remote Sensing Systems User Support. Our team of scientists are here to help answer your questions and provide you with help for using our data. Please let us know if you have any comments or questions.
If you are having trouble accessing the data, it is likely that you need to create an FTP account here.
If are new to microwave data and need help understanding what we do and which data products to use, start with the Getting Started Guide.
If you have a specific question, you may find it has already been answered in the Frequently Asked Questions.
We also keep a list of Known Issues found by inter-comparing overlapping satellite sensors' Environmental Parameters.
As a last step, please contact us with your questions or concerns. We aim to respond to queries within 24 - 36 hours during the work week. We do not work on weekends.
Also, if you use our data, please remember to include a citation in the acknowledgements of any publication. Example citations are available for each instrument or data product.