User Support
Our team of scientists is here to help answer your questions and provide you with support for using our data. Please email us if you have any comments or questions. We will try to respond to your question/comment within 2-3 business days.
If are new to microwave data and need help understanding what we do and which data products to use, please see our Getting Started Guide.
If you have a question for us, you may find it has already been answered in the Frequently Asked Questions. Please check there prior to contacting us.
If you use our data, please remember to include a citation in the acknowledgements of any publication. Example citations are available for each instrument and data product. | |
Postal Service | Remote Sensing Systems 444 Tenth Street, Suite 200 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 USA |
Phone | (707) 545-2904 |
Fax | (707) 545-2906 |